Saturday, November 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Wahhhh!

It is official.... Wyatt is not fond of Santa clause.

He approached willingly, almost excitedly. I told the photographer to snap the shot as soon as his buns hit Santa's lap regardless of whether or not the boys were smiling because I was fairly confident Wyatt would not sit on there for longer than a nano-second.

Atticus made up for Wyatt reluctant en force. He gave Santa a lengthy and detailed list of the things he wants for Christmas as well as the things Wyatt wants for Christmas. Amazingly the things he told Santa Wyatt want are things he has mentioned to me in the last few weeks he wants. Fascinating.


Fisher Family said...

This picture is too cute...don't worry Wyatt Santa still scares me a little. Can't wait to see what Shay does this year. So funny that Atticus shared both lists w/ Santa.

Rhea said...

what a picture!! It's definately one to put in his Senior yearbook!Atticus is such a good big brother making sure that Wyatts wants are known.