Monday, August 4, 2008

In the Tradition of Their Fathers...

Paris is 6'4 1/2". (He likes it when I include the extra half.)
As such he has adopted a convenient way of turning the TV on.
It isn't quite as convenient when Wyatt does it.


TNIRYAN said...

Ha! I was able to call that one! "Irene," I said to myself, "here comes the foot!" And there it came. And there was much rejoicing. Especially by me because I can see the future . . . when someone gives me enough of a hint.

My Five Little Monkeys said...

You guys are so lucky. Height. What a concept. Between Pie and myself, our children are destined to be schtumpy. It is our legacy to them. I also had nice feet to offer, but they all (yes, ALL FIVE!) got Pie's very flat Hobbit feet. You can actually hear the anatomy of these feet, as they slap, slap, slap barefoot down the wood floor hallway. During Tommy's ultrasound at 20 weeks, before the tech gal could even excitedly gush "and here are the feet", I had spied them and blurted out "This one's got your feet too!" in a tone that the tech did not appreciate. Because, I wasn't marveling over my unborn's tiny Hobbit feet. I think she was the same ultrasound lady from Juno.

Brittany said...

so funny.

Judy Ryan said...

Give Wyatt the 1/2" Paris insists on and the toe to button connection will be a slam-dunk next time.