Monday, April 20, 2009

Pressing Questions of Life...

Where did I come from?

Where am I going?

WHY has the song Eternal Flame (The Bangles, Circa late 80's) 
been stuck in my head for 4 STRAIGHT DAYS?! 

Forget the waterboarding debate, I've found what most 
would consider a humane form of torture.  Or is it?


Anonymous said...

when I have had a song stuck in my head I listen to Lowrider by War, it always clears my head of any song.

L!ND$EY said...

Oh my, that reminds me...some where in another country there is a karaoke tape of a small child, by the name of Lindsey, singing her heart out to that very song...regretfully, she was only a one-hit wonder.

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

Okay, why can I only remember the Bangles version? "Close your eyes....give me you hand (dar-lin)..."