Thursday, March 27, 2008


After reading The Alchemist I have decided to explore how blessings sometimes appear in the form of trials. Case in point...
Tonight I was initially mortified when I discovered Atticus and Wyatt dumping full cups of filthy, country-boy bathwater onto the bathroom floor. As I sopped up the water with a clean towel I had a zen moment:

"I'm pretty sure this counts as mopping." Now I don't have to feel guilty about neglecting the floors for so long.



Cindy said...

yes...sometimes the kids splashing in the tub isn't all bad.:) In fact why do we bother to tell them not too...We should in fact say, "kids make sure you splash good and hard"

nanamoo said...

LOL...that's great!

Melody said...

Seems as though kids do that for us when they see we need a little motivation to mop the floor...
What do you think?