Thursday, May 1, 2008

Edward it is!

Which Twilight novel character are you?

You're Edward Cullen - You have great taste for the finer things in life, a classic style, and you understand the way people work so you can manipulate easily. You have many talents and a bit of a temper, but you are mostly level-headed and rational.
Take this quiz!

I'm Edward. I think parts of this are spot on. But others? I wouldn't say I have a "classic" style; I think I'm a little more daring than that. I am logical, but not always level-headed. And Paris is the rational one in our family.

But then, I didn't really like the results so I was going to change answers and see if I liked that better. Manipultative! So Edward it is.

This reminds me that I've traditionally avoided personality tests because no matter which one I take I crave different results. (Is it possible to fail a personality test?) I vividly remember taking an animal-themed test in Paris's Marriage-Prep class when we were newlyweds. The night ended with us driving home, me in tears sobbing, "I don't WANT to be a lion." Not one of my finer moments. :)

Interestingly, I really like "red" friends. I just don't always want to be one. But then isn't the point of a personality test to discover your natural strengths and weaknesses so you can tame your weaknesses and consciously try to develop the strengths of other personality types? Ahhhhh...


nanamoo said...

Kasey, I loved that blog. I can relate!

Melody said...

I knew we liked each other for many reasons!

We must be very similar. Interesting.

TNIRYAN said...

I have a love/hate relationship with personality tests. Hey, if they're flattering, I'm all for them, but if they happen to lay bare a weakness, I'm incensed at their daring to classify me. "Don't put me in a box! You don't know me!"